Aspects of Reading- What does it Take to Read Well?
I must say that children are amazing little people because they often learn to read at a very young age. This is amazing because of everything that needs to be in place for them to do so. It has been determined that there are 9 aspects of reading that allow a person to read the words on the page and understand what is being said. These aspects or skills cover everything from being able to understand that we read from left to right to understanding that letters make different sounds in different words. Isn't it unbelievable that a five year old can figure all of this out? Well, let's start by looking at the two most basic aspects of reading that we need to consider when teaching someone to read. You'll note that they deal with vision, hearing and perception. I always make sure that a child has no vision or hearing difficulties prior to teaching them to read. I have found that some children needed glasses but it was not diagnosed and that was what was preventing them from ...