Learning to Read (and write) CAN be a Natural Process

Reading really can be a natural process if you begin to immerse your child in language from the time he or she makes an entrance into the world. (I am going to use the female pronoun here just to be concise but this goes for boys and girls!) By singing songs to your child, talking to her in the car, the grocery store and just about anywhere you go- your child will begin to develop the foundation for learning to read and write well.

I know this first step sounds really simple, and guess what?? It is! I have raised two readers of my own and now have a five year old grandson who is also a reader. If that doesn't sound like a very good set of credentials, I've also been a teacher and teacher educator since 1987 and my doctorate is in this field. I will say that you don't need a college degree to teach your child to read; you just need the right tools and a fun spirit.

So.... let's get this blog started and talk to each other about literacy- and I do mean talk because having conversations using real language is what leads to literacy. Have fun with your child- go to the park and talk about all of the things you see there. Even if your child is 3 months old or 13 years old, talking is the key so go unlock that literacy door and come on into the Literacy Annex!

Here's a picture of the first word my grandson learned to write at age four. As you can see we must have been playing that day!


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